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Menu and Payment App

The restaurant menu and payment app aims to simplify the ordering and payment process for customers, as well as streamline operations for restaurant staff. This app would provide a more efficient and convenient experience for customers, while also reducing the workload for restaurant staff and helping to increase sales.

Image by Jay Wennington


Problem statement

The current ordering process at the restaurant results in customers having to wait in line for servers to take their orders, leading to a time-consuming and potentially error-prone experience. The use of paper to take orders also increases the likelihood of mistakes, causing frustration for both customers and servers. This undermines the overall dining experience and can negatively impact customer satisfaction and loyalty.



  • A menu that is regularly updated and accessible to customers on their smartphones or tablet devices

  • Option to place an order directly through the app and receive real-time updates on its status

  • Secure payment options integrated into the app, allowing customers to pay their bills directly through the app

  • Backend management tools for restaurant staff, including real-time updates on incoming orders and the ability to manage menu items and pricing.

Design process


Design process


User research summary

I conducted interviews and created empathy maps, user journey map to understand the users I’m designing for and their needs. A primary user group identified through research was local millennial who dine in at restaurant at least once a week. This user group confirmed initial assumptions about Morel restaurant customers, but research also revealed that accessibility is not the only factor that limit users from placing their orders on the menu. Others problems such as time, challenges that make it difficult to place order on the menu.

Pain points
Product detail.jpg
User Pain Points



Jeevita is a full-time student who needs order food from an app with easy-navigation menus because it save her time waiting for a server to take order

User journey map
User Journey Map

Mapping Jeevita’s user journey revealed how helpful it would be for users to have access to a Morel Restaurant’s app.


Digital wireframe

I used feedback and findings from the user research to base screen designs during the initial design phase.

Digital Wireframe



This mockup showcases the design concept for the restaurant menu and payment app, providing a visual representation of how the app will function and look to users.

Product page

Quick selection

Product detail.jpg

Editable cart

Like button


Pick up option

Several payment method



Accessibility considerations

Accessibility considerations

Thank you for your time reviewing my work on the Morel Restaurant app! If you’d like to see more or get in touch, my contact information is provided below.

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